Advising & Guidance

Advice and guidance: -

          Mentoring plays an important role in guiding and following students and helping them understand their problems and create an educational environment that supports their positive behavior, helping to adapt and integrate effectively into activities and events that take place inside and outside the college, and finding the best and most appropriate solutions to overcome academic, psychological, behavioral or social problems that students may experience and negatively affect their performance and achieve the expected academic achievement.

Advice and guidance: -


Develop the psychological, social, behavioral, professional and cognitive aspects of students, ensuring that they adapt to university life.

The main objective of educational guidance is to provide the right environment for students to obtain a good level of science, knowledge and learning. Among the services provided by the Faculty of Law in the field of advice and guidance are:

1- Advice and guidance in the field of admissions, where a special committee is assigned annually to receive new students and help them complete the requirements of admission and registration.

2- Advice and guidance in the care and follow-up of students with low educational attainment to find out the reasons for the delay in their scientific career.

3- Studying behavioral phenomena and problems that may appear in the lives of students and negatively affect their scientific levels.

4- Urging students to work exhibitions and scientific activities.

Objectives of guidance:

1- Providing various counselling, psychological and social consultations as well as helping students with psychological and social problems to achieve proper psychological and social compatibility with themselves and others

2- Instilling ethical, social and ideal principles and values in students and adhering to university norms and campus ethics:

Scientific competition among students and avoidance of fraud